
UHV Phosphor Screens

UHV Phosphor Screens


See specifications below.

Part #: - Categories: ,
Model #: PHOS-UP22


Phosphor: High Luminosity P-22 Blue
Vacuum: Works well in higher vacuums, better than 10-8 torr, without out-gassing
Delicate coating: Does NOT use a binder (therefore not volatile at high vacuums, but more delicate)
Input: 1 W/cm2 max
Bakeable: to 350o deg C
Backing Material:  SS304 or Glass
Standard Screen Sizes :  0.5″, 0.75″, 1.00″,and 1.50″ (inch) diameters

Table of UHV Phosphor Screen Options

UHV Screen Phosphor Specs

Additional information

Weight 1 lbs
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