
Electron Gun Systems

Kimball Physics is a key supplier of electron gun and power supply systems designed for use in a wide variety of ultra-high vacuum (UHV) surface physics, space physics, and processing applications.

Ion Gun Systems

Kimball Physics ion gun systems, or ion sources, are used in numerous applications, including: surface physics, space physics, vacuum physics, charge neutralization, detection calibration, secondary ion mass spectrometry and ion injection for MBE.

An MIT spinoff

Kimball Physics specializes in the design and manufacturing of precision electron optics and ultra-high vacuum components.


We provide products and components for...

Electron Optical Equipment for the Semiconductor Industry

Electron Microscopes and Electron Lithography

Free Electron

Accelerators and X-ray

Custom Apparatus for the
Space industry

Cold Physics Research and Esoteric Physics Experiments

Learn more about Kimball Physics by watching a short summary video about our company and products on our Kimball Physics YouTube Channel ( Kimball Physics Overview 2023). 


Please visit our Learning Center for basic tutorials on Electron Sources (Cathodes), Electron Gun / Beam Systems, and other Related Topics (Learning Center).